Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chances of World War III?

Overall, I don't think there will be a third war. This is because even though there are some situations and crisis happening over the world, it may not be big enough to pull in all the countries. America, right now, is in pretty bad shape with the economic crisis, so another war is really the last thing they need. Also, there aren't any power hungry rulers now, that want to take control over and dominate, like Hitler.

In our life time, there have been crisis. Always. And another one could spring up, but i don't think right now, there will be anything big enough to get other countries involved in, fighting, allied with others. There will always be disagreements among people, but i think nowadays, people don't handle that with war. Countries have made peace treaties with each other and almost every country is now part of the UN.
Though, there could be some wars over oil or water, but not as harsh or as large and global as WWI or WWII fought with blitzkriegs and trench warfare. I'm pretty sure no one wants to have a war in the world, people and families dying. Also, right now, there is more freedom around the world, because before there were unfair actions, like the Jews had to face. There has been a long gap between the wars, so there is no reason for one to start again right now.