Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is Power?

I think power can be defined as the control over someone or even something (by someone). Rulers are what come to mind when we think of this and that is mainly who the power is controlled by. There are many examples in the world in the past and the present and from even the books we read that could support what I think the definition of power is and how power can be shown in different ways.

First of all, back to the Russian Revolution an example would be of Stalin. Stalin had power and control over his people in Russia. He had Trotsky exiled and he took over control of Russia’s government. The great purge was an event that happened under his rule, a night of fighting and a lot of arrests being taken place. “Animal Farm” is an analogy of the Russian Revolution so the reasons are still the same. Napoleon had control over all the other farm animals and gave them orders of what they could do and had the power to kill others when he thought he would be threatened. Julius Ceaser is another book we read and there were many people that had some power with them, but with that power things did get out of hand most people ended up being killed, Ceaser being the first. Another example could be from “The Hunger Games”. All the 12 districts are ruled and under the control over the Capitol, and after the rebellion the rulers had the power to punish them all, but making the annual hunger games, just to show that they had control over everything. On page 6 it says “When I was younger I scared my mother to death, the things I would blurt out about District 12, about the people who rule our country from the far-off city called the Capitol. I understood that this would lead to only more trouble.” This quote from the book shows that the rulers could punish the people of Panem for saying rude remarks about them.

I think power can also be showed off by the wealth of one region/country. For example, during the cold war the two “Super Powers” at that time was the U.S and the USSR. They both suffered the least after the world war and had ‘wealth and prosperity’. The U.S and the USSR were both two of the most powerful countries at that time because they were both full of weapons as they were trying to get ahead of each other in the arms race. The other countries such as Germany were in bad shape and even after the treaty of Versailles they were restricted to building weaponry, as Germany had been a leader in world war one and had been responsible for causing it.

I think these examples from the books we have read and topics that we have covered give us a basic idea of what power is, such as leaders that control the power like Stalin and even Hitler. From these examples we can see how power can be defined as “Someone or something under the control of someone.” Because in all of these examples, there is always a group of people under the control of someone. However, there could be even more factors that we have not considered yet with what exactly power might be.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

PoP Reflection

The three most valuable things i have probably learned during population project is

  • Managing my time for effectively
  • Keeping ahead of due dates
For the research paper, I could have used my time more effectively, because later i had to find all the information and not all of my points were strong. I managed to get my work in before due dates, but if I had been more aware then I may have been able to use my time more effectively. Overall, for the project, I wasn't exactly up till 3 in the morning finishing it, but i still feel my work could have been better if i didn't delay my work. For the whole of March i didnt research much, and i had left it all till the last minute.

These are all things that will help me in the future because throughout high school and college i will have some big projects to do similar to this one, so managing my time, keeping ahead and aware of due dates and not procrastinating will help me have more thorough and well written pieces. If i manage my time more effectively and stay on top of things, then the rest will follow because then there wont be any extra work for me to do and I'll be well ahead of things.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Net Effect of Globalization

Globalization can be defined as "The growing integration of economies and societies around the world" according to the World Bank. There are both pros and cons to globalization as in some countries its helped the economy and people, whereas in other places it been a real struggle to deal with.

Globalization has hit all countries and in developing countries such as India its opened up many more job opportunities to people. In the video '30 days' the man who had lost his job because of outsourcing said that for the job he had lost hiring one person, 16 people are hired for that same job in India. Also keeping in mind that India has a much bigger populations, the more people that can work, the better. Getting these jobs also helps these people stay out of poverty. Its also cheaper for businesses to hire people in India and have them do the same job with the same skill, but for a lit cheaper. Second, 'open sourcing' allows almost anyone with a computer and Internet access to publish anything on the web, and then allow others to get ideas or even make changes, which helps bring people closer as they can share it through the Internet.

However there are also negative effects of globalization. First, the negative side of globalization hits America with out sourcing. Many americans are losing their jobs for cheaper labor elsewhere. Second, even though the working class in India are all getting job opportunities, it still doesnt change their living standards, which was described as '16 people living in a cave'. Third, people with limited skills cant find jobs, and there are still millions that are homeless. And as the developed countries get more and more fancy gadgets it leaves a huge gap of the poorer people who cant afford it, further anf further behind.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Picture Reflection.

The main visual elements in this picture is the little kid eating dinner with his parents, and the caption at the bottom "Well, yes, we could read your blog...or you could just tell us about your day." I think the issue is that since the kid returned home from school and his parents were asking how his day was, he just told them to read his blog of what he did, instead of telling them there face to face. I think his opinion is that most kids nowadays are caught up in technology that its become a bigger part of their life, and so they rely on in more. Like, in this picture, the kid isn't in the mood to talk to his parents about his day, and he just tells them to look it up, like hes too lazy to tell them. Some evidence the cartoonist shows is the little kid isn't smiling, so it doesn't look like hes too interested in telling his parents about his day. I know when most parents ask kids about how their day was, we're not too interested in telling them. This is ironic because now, as we're talking about a little kids having a blog and criticizing, we're all 'blogging' right now.

This cartoon relates to our study of technology because it in Vonnegut's writing he stated that technology would take us over, and in the cartoon its starting with a little kid, who's already got his own blog. I think the cartoon is good enough, because its nice, simple and believable, and the fact that he uses a little kid makes it more effective.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Finish up any research for information and topics in my paper that are not strong. Then write down the facts and information on note cards.
Start the research paper outline, filling in the main points and key ideas.
Start to add in more detail to the topic; Pros, Cons and my opinion. Also try to finish up the data analysis.
Finish up the outline; have the sources written out on the note cards.
If the research paper outline are done, then work on the data analysis or EO option. Or start changing and editing for the actual research paper.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I think technology is usually something that helps make our lives easier, usually, electronically. Technology can also be from non electrical sources too.

I think some of the most important technology:

  • Computers/Laptops
  • Cell Phones
  • Radios
  • Computer software
  • Security Devices
However, there's not just the five most important because in our lives, we use different technology for different things. And so there are not always going to be most or least because different uses require different things.

Least important, probably the things we either don't use too much, or don't necessarily need.
  • Hairdryers and such

I think AES has enough technology. computers, laptops, digital cameras, smart boards, video recorders, projectors, and so on. We also get to use them whenever we need them, so i think the amount and use of technology here is good.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vonnegut and Technology

I do agree with Vonnegut. Even though I use the computer all the time, and love it, Vonnegut is still right. In Harrison Bergeron they had used technology to make everyone equal. With their handicaps and headphones. The technology was controlling everybody.
In the Euphio Question they had used technology to make everyone happy, with a 'hiss' sound they would broadcast. Lew wanted to use this hiss for his real estate. Con people into buying bad land plots by making them too 'happy' to care. In the middle they tried that experiment they were all overwhelmed by the sound to realise anything, until the power cut. After that, things were a mess when they were all free from the hissing sound that kept them busy. I think Vonnegut may be saying that sometimes technology can get the best of us, and we miss out on important things.
Technology is important to our lives, because, right now, we're using the computer for this, but it can make you miss out on some things in life.

"But it’s you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work—not the damn fool computer."
I think hes trying to say that the computer shouldnt be doing everything for us, but what we can do ourselves will make us better.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Quarter 4 Goals

1) Read more books for AR
2) Be more organized with my work. (Homework and Classwork)
3) To get more than a B grade
Those were my goals for quarter 3. I got an A in AR this quarter. I had read two books, and even though one of the books was enough to get an A, i still read both, and stuck to my goal. I managed not to lose any classwork this quarter and hand them in on time. And for my last goal, i didn't get any less than last time, but not more either.

My goals for this quarter are
1) Last try to get more then a B grade.
2) Make good use of my ubd work time, and be on top of things.
3) To score above 80% on all my quizzes.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


"Holy War" is an oxymoron because Holy refers to something sacred or religious, and most religions don't support war. War, as we all know, is pretty much destruction. This an oxymoron because Holy and War have opposite meanings. I think that when it comes to something that people want they will do anything to get it. If they feel that what they are fighting for is right, they set aside their 'rule' about killing.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chances of World War III?

Overall, I don't think there will be a third war. This is because even though there are some situations and crisis happening over the world, it may not be big enough to pull in all the countries. America, right now, is in pretty bad shape with the economic crisis, so another war is really the last thing they need. Also, there aren't any power hungry rulers now, that want to take control over and dominate, like Hitler.

In our life time, there have been crisis. Always. And another one could spring up, but i don't think right now, there will be anything big enough to get other countries involved in, fighting, allied with others. There will always be disagreements among people, but i think nowadays, people don't handle that with war. Countries have made peace treaties with each other and almost every country is now part of the UN.
Though, there could be some wars over oil or water, but not as harsh or as large and global as WWI or WWII fought with blitzkriegs and trench warfare. I'm pretty sure no one wants to have a war in the world, people and families dying. Also, right now, there is more freedom around the world, because before there were unfair actions, like the Jews had to face. There has been a long gap between the wars, so there is no reason for one to start again right now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

WWII Letter

Warsaw Base Hospital
5253 Avon St.
Warsaw, Poland

Dear Eric,

I couldn't have believed it if I hadn’t seen what my eyes told me. It all happened…

You probably heard by now, Germany's attack on us. I would call my self one of the luckiest of all two million of us fighting for our lives. Only about two hundred of the two million survived this epidemic loss. I was sure I wasn’t going to make it out of this blood bath battle alive. I mean, who would have such hope at that time? The Germans charged in, with what they called a “Blitzkrieg.” They clearly had the upper hand here. The sheer speed of the machine was what shocked us. They had radios inside for communication, which was why they could control their air force so successfully and make use of their support. And even though the blitzkrieg sounds like the most complex machinery made, the simplicity of it was quite over whelming; The tank, radio and aircraft. The way it could just literally crush over people. It didn’t need to stick to one road or path. It rampaged on to wherever it wanted to, and began attacking.
Blood was all that could be seen for the most part. Dead bodies scattered across the floor like shredded paper. All I could see at that moment was clouds of smoke, spreading over the vast area of the field. Blackness and smog choking us, some to their death.
Though we outnumbered them with our troops, they overtook us with their power. We were weak though, our food rations were low and people were getting angry and irritated with all this.
It was unexpected, without any declaration of war.

I hope no one has to experience something like that ever again.

I’m in the hospital now, along with the remaining survivors. I have some free time now, to write a few lines back home. They had to surgically remove my left foot, as shrapnel from the blasts and explosions pierced into my skin. I wont be able to walk properly ever again, but this action was necessary. I’m not ashamed of this because I fought as hard as I could. Even though, this is like a scar from the battle that I will limp on for the rest of my life. It’s a price I had to pay for my country. Our army gave up a lot in this great battle to protect our people, but how are we supposed to win against giant man killing machines when we are on horseback with swords and guns? We fought bravely, us all, and the most valuable thing we lost was our unity, our people. We were the first to fall…lets wait to see who will be next now.

Your Brother,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Recipe for Wolrd War 2

All you need

To start a war


A failed treaty of Versailles

And a fistful of a destroyed League of Nations.

With a ladle of German anger

Mixed in with a pinch of Japanese violence.

Mix in the rise of Fascism.

And a determined bunch…

Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin.

Last thing you need for this

Is the slightest spoonful of


Knead it all in

Pound it, punch it, twist it

Set it in the oven

Until all that’s left of it

Is the hard dough,

As if its about to blow,

With a BANG.

And with your hate.

All bottled up inside.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Animal Farm Movie Critique

In the Animal Farm movie, there was quite a few changes from the novel and the movie. First of all, Mollie was absent through-out the whole film. Though, overall she had no major part, she still represented the wealthy class of the Russian revolution. Showing they had power to leave during the times of fighting, which is still quite significant. Second, the movie started off the same as the book, expect after Old Major gave his speech about his dream and the rebellion, he died on the spot after the animal sang 'Beasts of England'. Third, the order of a few things were also mixed up like when the Battle of Cowshed took place. Snowball was also killed when the dogs chased him out and Moses isnt much of a big character in the movie. Lastly, another significant part of the movie was that in the end the animals rebelled against Napoleon and took over the farm, which never happens in the book.
In the book, there was more depth in the way they related it to the Russian revolution. In the movie, it seemed more of a cartoon about animals on a farm, and it didnt seem that underneath it all, it was really portrayed as the Russian Revolution. Also in the book, they gave you a clearer picture of who some of the other animals were, such as Clover, Muriel, Moses and Benjamin. In the movie it focuses mainly on Boxer, Napoleon, Squealer and the other pigs and thier actions. Overall, the movie was another good way to portray the Revolution, but i think the book was better, because it was easier to understand and went into a little more depth about it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Animal Farm Character

In the book Animal Farm, i think i am most like Benjamin. I suppose that most times i do know whats going on, but i just chose to go with the flow. Throughout the book, Benjamin knows whats going to happen, or exactly knows what IS happening, but chooses not to do anything about it, because either he knows he cant change whats about to happen, just goes with it, but mainly doesn't have the power to change it. If there's group decisions going on, one person cant change the whole groups opinion with what they think is going to happen. Which is also what happens in real life.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Animal Farm Feedback

Tyranny can be defined as a harsh act. The animals in the farm took over the farm by literally kicking Mr. Jones out. The one day the animals were underfed, and snuck into the food supply, they were about to be kicked out by Jones' men. But the hungry animals had had enough and they literally started to kick Jones and his men out of the farm and down the road. Injustice could be defined as unfair to others. In this case, it would be with the animals and the humans. The animals would be doing all the work in the farm, working from dawn. Some would only love a few years to work, then be killed to eat. Or just sold to other owners. It wasnt fair, the humans controlled everything on the farm, to their liking, for profit. The animals on the farm, especially the major, disliked all this and then established that "Anything on four legs is a friend, Anything on two legs is an enemy." It was because of this that the animals decided to overthrow Jones. Self determination can be defined as deciding on your own, or with a group, and then be determined to do an act. In this case, it would be with the animals all determined to kick out Mr. Jones, together. After the meeting late at night, about Majors dream, the farm animals had decided to take over the farm, and the farm would be ruled by them someday, but they didnt know when or how to do it exactly. And it all happened, randomly one day when the animals couldnt take enough. They didnt realise it until Jones had gone down the end of the road that they had done what they were all determined to do.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stuck, trapped in the midst of war
Everywhere I turn,
Rifles fire, bullets blaze
Through a sky turned into a sheet of black
My mind is lost
And I cant get out.

The choking black smoke clouding the air,
That once was full of blue,
Soldiers crouched on the ground,
Like tigers waiting to attack.
I’m stuck here,
I can’t get out.

The mud-filled trenches
The gashing blood red wounds.
The horrified yells that are hidden
By echoes of shots
Blasts and

It’s my duty to serve,
Serve my country,
My countries allies
Respect my countries decisions
No matter what fate lies ahead.
Death, Destruction, Fear

I must obey my duty.
To fight or die.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Military Feedback

It is the hardest way to become an American citizen: fighting for a country that is not yet yours, and in some cases dying for it.

In America, joining the military is not madatory like in other places. Its optional. Though, almost every american citizen is required to sign uo for a selective service because if there ever was a war, they would have options to call other people to the battle ground. In the war in Afghanistan, almost 73 non american citizens have lost their lives fighting for their 'soon-to-be' country. The only time I would actually join the army was if I was drafted to, for a small war.

Overall, joining the military is not going to be something i'm going to do in my future, but for quite a lot of people, joining the military is either mandatory, or a sign that your on your way of becoming a 'true' citizen for your country. Other times, people are forced in because the government needs more troops up front, and people must to serve their country.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Alliances Cartoon Analysis

The main visual elements are the two kings in the middle trading valuables with the people from different countries around them. Italy, Russia, Turkey the UK are the distinct countries circling around the men from Germany and the Austro Hungarian Empire. Also, on the side you see the girl on the side crying, and it doesn’t look like the man from turkey is trading anything either, but instead, just sitting out. The issue this political cartoon is about is how not all countries are wealthy enough to trade or even become alliances with other countries. It seems like the one crying on the sidelines isn’t from a very powerful country, and so she doesn’t have anything to trade. I think the cartoonists opinion about the issue is that not all countries in the world have a fair chance with the trading, regardless of being allies or not. The evidence the cartoonist has given is that all the strong countries are the ones trading with the other powerful countries. Austro Hungary, the UK, Russia, and Italy are all trading with each other, but Turkey is out. It also seems like the girl crying on the side is not from a powerful country. The cartoonist could have added in a few more countries there to show the powerful and non powerful countries, also maybe said which country was which more clearly.
This cartoon is a lot like the great powers game because powerful countries made allies with other strong countries, and traded and made negotiations with those strong countries too. Also, if the country was weak, not many people would want to be allies with them either, because if they didn’t have enough wealth to buy industries they wouldn’t be any help in a war.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Great Powers Game Debrief

1) I was the Austro Hungarian Empire with Petr. We didnt buy too many industries too show off our 'power' but went along with more armies. Countries like the U.K and U.S had more of an advantage because they had greater power and alliances to begin with. Our empire's power was said to be 'great'.
2) I think it was important to have a balance of both armies and industries, but in the long run probably armies. If a country has only industries, but no armies, they're not going to win an unexpected war that might come their way. Which was what happened to Russia.
3) I think we had a pretty good balance of the industries and armies. One 'year' we would either buy more armies, then the next year more industries or colonies.
4) Our empire never really needed any help until the end, but there was quite a lot of betrayal going on with the other countries. We were alliances with the Ottomans, the U.K and Japan throughout. (They never attacked us, but didnt exactly help in the end either). But we were all betrayed by the U.S who took sides with the others when things were looking bad for us. In the end, the Austro Hungarians, were defeated in an unexpected war with Germany, with no help from our alliances. :\
5) Three specific things I learned:
You never know who you can really trust
When it comes to power, people will betray you, even if they were alliances
The more power you try to show off, more likely you'll be attacked.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Reflection and Quarter 3 goals

Last quarter my two goals in humanities were to:
1) Get at least an A- in humanities that quarter
2) Participate more in class

I couldn't achieve my first goal, because my grade was still in the B range. My second grade didn't go all that well either because most of the time we were in our Africa groups to finish up research papers or Power points.

This quarter my new goals are:
1) Read more books for AR
2) Be more organized with my work. (Homework and Classwork)
3) To get more than a B grade

If i organize my work more, it should help me get homework and class work done on time and be more thorough. Which should help my grade rise too.