Saturday, May 2, 2009

Net Effect of Globalization

Globalization can be defined as "The growing integration of economies and societies around the world" according to the World Bank. There are both pros and cons to globalization as in some countries its helped the economy and people, whereas in other places it been a real struggle to deal with.

Globalization has hit all countries and in developing countries such as India its opened up many more job opportunities to people. In the video '30 days' the man who had lost his job because of outsourcing said that for the job he had lost hiring one person, 16 people are hired for that same job in India. Also keeping in mind that India has a much bigger populations, the more people that can work, the better. Getting these jobs also helps these people stay out of poverty. Its also cheaper for businesses to hire people in India and have them do the same job with the same skill, but for a lit cheaper. Second, 'open sourcing' allows almost anyone with a computer and Internet access to publish anything on the web, and then allow others to get ideas or even make changes, which helps bring people closer as they can share it through the Internet.

However there are also negative effects of globalization. First, the negative side of globalization hits America with out sourcing. Many americans are losing their jobs for cheaper labor elsewhere. Second, even though the working class in India are all getting job opportunities, it still doesnt change their living standards, which was described as '16 people living in a cave'. Third, people with limited skills cant find jobs, and there are still millions that are homeless. And as the developed countries get more and more fancy gadgets it leaves a huge gap of the poorer people who cant afford it, further anf further behind.


nikaya said...

Hey Nand u

Get job! You have similar ideas to me about the net effect of globalization. I love your choice of words. Keep up the good work..!!!

Your amazing friend