Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stock Market Reflection

"Don’t let your emotions get the best of you."
Was one of the seven tips that were given at the Stock Market activity. This tip for the third year applied to me. A lot.

When I the price of Silver automatically shoot up. I thought "I HAVE to buy Comstock silver". I had enough money and thought that next year the price would shoot up again, so I could make a nice little profit. But, of course, seeing as I always have bad luck with money and the price of silver dropped, and the 'government' started using gold. Another time this happened was with the Great Northern Railroads. For the first few years, the GN railroads were making no money, and the price kept dropping. It was after I sold 3 of my railroad certificates [Leaving 1 with me] that the price started jumping up each year from $4-$10 then in the end to $25.
But it was all true, things like this happen in the stock market all the time, and you can never predict what will really happen.
So, I guess I should have taken the tip more seriously.