Sunday, September 21, 2008

Political Cartoon Analysis

I think the main point the illustrator is trying to get out of the cartoon, is that all the rich people suah as factory owners will do almost anything to get their money, and end up getting it in a unfair way.
Visual Elements:

You can clearly see the big, fat guy wearing the 'Capitalism' banner--and in the visual he seems to be robbing the small guy with the label 'Labor'. You can also see his money being dropped into a bag 'Profits from Child Labor'. We see the 'capitalism' guy diaplayed as a very large, fat man, and it probably means hes greedy. Wants money, even though he has enough, compared to the small worker. The immigrant or worker obviously has no power to stop or control whats happening. They work, get paid minimum wage, and thats it. The author of this image probably feels that workers should probably deserve more. They work long hours, and [according to the cartoon], end up loosing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Mid-Quarter Reflection

So far for this quarter I have achieved one of my goals. My first goal was to write more descriptively, and if I needed to write from a character's point of view, then to really get into the characters shoes. I haven't accomplished this goal yet, because we haven't had a chance to write about anything specific. Yet.
My second goal was to finish all my homework on the day it was assigned. [ So I could turn it in on time.] I have been able to hand in my work on time...though it hasn’t always been done on the say it was given. I will try to accomplish this part of my goal, but i got the main part. Turning in homework on time.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stock Market Reflection

"Don’t let your emotions get the best of you."
Was one of the seven tips that were given at the Stock Market activity. This tip for the third year applied to me. A lot.

When I the price of Silver automatically shoot up. I thought "I HAVE to buy Comstock silver". I had enough money and thought that next year the price would shoot up again, so I could make a nice little profit. But, of course, seeing as I always have bad luck with money and the price of silver dropped, and the 'government' started using gold. Another time this happened was with the Great Northern Railroads. For the first few years, the GN railroads were making no money, and the price kept dropping. It was after I sold 3 of my railroad certificates [Leaving 1 with me] that the price started jumping up each year from $4-$10 then in the end to $25.
But it was all true, things like this happen in the stock market all the time, and you can never predict what will really happen.
So, I guess I should have taken the tip more seriously.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Industrial Revolution Pros & Cons


  • Brought wealth to countries such as England and later on America.
  • Changed the lifestyle of people.
  • Cities grew, with a lot more available and helpful technology.
  • People who worked in the mills and factories were paid a decent amount. (Enough to keep their families alive).
  • Some machines took over the jobs of people, so economic growth became quick.


  • Pollution grew.
  • When machines took over, a great deal of people lost their jobs.
  • There were deaths happening in the factories from accidents.
  • There were people (Luddites) protesting against the machines, and thought they should not replace people.
  • Women and small children were also sent to the mills to work, so they would make a living.